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Image by Becca McHaffie

How does upcycling old clothes help the environment?

Upcycling old clothes allows for people to reduce the waste that they reduce. When upcycling, old items, or in this case clothes, are turned into something new. Upcycling clothes also allows people to take unwanted clothes out of the waste pile, and convert into something almost new. This allows for people to take one-of-a-kind fabrics and create new items. Upcycling can be done with pre-consumed clothes or post-consumed clother, or both. To find out how to upcycle clothes, go into the "How do you do it page."

How does it help?: Bio

Upcycling as a whole

What are some other things can be upcycled?

Many things can be upcyled, utensils into room decor, furniture into other forms of furniture, and many many more. 

Linked below are some websites that have ideas as well as links to vidoes and pictures that show how to upcycle items. 

Bored Panda


Personal Creations 

How does it help?: Text

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